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Mothers of Multiples Society

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Q: What are the different board positions and what are their responsibilities?

A: Click here for a list of board positions and the duties/responsibilities for each role.

Q: What is the time commitment?

A: The amount of time spent dedicated to your board role and duties varies by position and by time of year.

•   There is a monthly Board meeting that all Board members are expected to attend. These meetings are scheduled on weekday evenings and generally last approximately three hours.

•   Before, during, and shortly after each sale, it’s all hands on deck, and all board members are expected to pitch in and help. This is especially true for the Sale team, the Marketing team, and the Treasurers. Board members are expected to assist both days of each sale.

•   At events, board members are encouraged to attend and help before, during, and/or after the event with setup, cleanup, and supporting members during the event.

•   At other times, the time commitment averages a few hours per week. This can include communication on Facebook, supporting the goals of the club, managing an email inbox, etc..

•   At the beginning of the Board term, all Board members are expected to attend a one-day Board retreat. The retreat is meant to allow members to get to know each other, to define roles, and set goals and expectations for the year ahead. The retreat is usually held in May on a weekend.

Q: Do I have to work at the sale?

A: Yes, all Board members are expected to work both days of the sale. Special circumstances will be addressed as they arise.

Q: Do I need to be on Facebook to be a Board member?

A: Yes, you must be active on Facebook to be a Board member. Most of the business and communication between Board members happens on the MOMS Board Facebook page. Additional communication is done via email, text, and Facebook messenger.

Q: For the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer positions, do I need to have accounting experience?

A: Yes, accounting, finance, and/or banking experience is strongly recommended for these roles. Experience with Quickbooks is also strongly recommended for the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.

The time commitment for these roles, in addition to other Board responsibilities, includes ongoing bank account reconciliation, tax filing, and Secretary of State filings.

Q: For the Social Director position, do I need to have event planning experience?

A: Event planning experience is a plus for this role. If you don’t have event planning experience, you should enjoy researching venues and negotiating deals/prices, be highly organized, and an effective communicator.

Q: For the Support Director and Support Co-Director roles, what are the requirements?

A: The Support team works with multiple Chairs as well as a large portion of the membership and vendors and speakers, so these roles require you to work well with others, be effective at delegating tasks, and feel comfortable hosting events and meetings.

Q: Do Board members need experience with web editing?

A: Some roles (such as Technology Director, Social Director, the Sale team, Marketing Director and Co-Director) do require web editing, event creation, and mass email creation and distribution, as well as content creation and posting. However, training on the Wild Apricot website system MOMS uses is available.

Q: What are the requirements and expectations for the Marketing Director and Co-Director roles?

A: Marketing experience, sales, PR, and/or branding experience are recommended for the Marketing team positions.

Q: What benefits are there to serving on the MOMS Board?

A: The biggest benefits of serving on the MOMS board are the chance to contribute to the club and give back to this incredible group, as well as the opportunity to bond and network with fellow MOMS Board members. Board members receive one year of free membership the year after their service. Board members also earn a higher commission rate at the Sales and having a Board member position for a non-profit organization looks great on a resume!

This is an incredible group of dynamic, strong, smart women who come together to run the MOMS club, support the members, and help create the future for this support network of MOMS supporting moms, who all share a similar experience in the wild ride that is parenting multiples.

Mothers of Multiples Society                                                            303.586.3121

Mothers of Multiples Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Colorado

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